Hervey-Jumper Lab at the 2020 SNO Virtual Meeting
The Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) hosts the worlds largest neuro-oncology conference, highlighting the latest in neuro-oncology research and treatment. This year, the SNO Annual Meeting will be held virtually on November 19-21, 2020.
The Hervey-Jumper Lab will giving be several presentations at this year's event, including a live plenary talk. Two on-demand abstract presentations will be available for registrants to view between November 19, 2020 and November 15, 2021.
Dr. Hervey-Jumper will also be presenting "Issues Related to Disparities in Neuro-Oncology Clinical Trials" at the SNO Clinical Trials Course on November 18, 2020. This talk will highlight research by Hervey-Jumper lab member and UCSF medical student Sheantel Reihl.
To register for #SNO2020, visit the event page here.
** This talk is based on work done by Hervey-Jumper Lab postdoc, Saritha Krishna, PhD.
** This talk will be presented by UCSF neurosurgery resident Ramin Morshed, MD.
** This talk will be presented by UCSF neurosurgery resident Cecilia Dalle Ore, MD.