Thiebaud Picart MD, PhD

Thiebaud Picart, MD, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr Thiébaud Picart works as a neurosurgeon, specialized in brain tumor management, in the Hospices Civils de Lyon (France). During his residency, Dr Thiébaud Picart was trained to remove low-grade gliomas in awake condition and high-grade gliomas using per-operative fluorescence techniques in Montpellier (France) and in Lyon. He has also been trained in histology and neuropathology. He obtained a PhD degree in cancer biology from the University Claude Bernard (Lyon, France) in April 2023 and his research program was focused on the study of glioma inter- and intra-tumoral heterogeneity. Dr Thiébaud Picart joins Prof. Hervey-Jumper’s team as an invited researcher as he is interested in understanding the relationship between neurons and tumor cells in low-grade gliomas, in order to develop new therapeutic strategies.

Education and Training

2013: MD, Dijon – Bourgogne University, France
2013-2020: Neurological Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Lyon, France
2017-2018: Master's Degree in Cancer Biology, University of Lyon, France
2019-2023: PhD in Cancer Biology, University of Lyon, France
2020-2021: Neuropathology Fellow, Department of Pathology, Lyon, France
2021-2023: Assistant professor of Neurosurgery and Anatomy, Department of Neurosurgery, Lyon, France